■李劼人 著
第一部分序幕 一 至今快四十年了,这幅画景,犹然清清楚楚的摆在脑际:天色甫明,隔墙灵官庙刚打了晓钟,这不是正好早眠的时节?偏偏非赶快起来不可,不然的话,一家人便要向你做戏了;等不及洗脸,又非开着小跑赶到学堂——当年叫作学堂,现在叫作私塾。——去抢头学不可,不然的话,心里不舒服,也得不到老师的夸奖。睡眠如够的一个小学生,既噪山雀儿般放开喉咙喊了一早晨生书此不,还包得定十早晨,必有八早晨,为了生书上得太多,背不得,脑壳上挨几界方,眼皮着纠得生疼,到放早学回家,吃了早饭再上学时,胃上已待休息,更被春天的暖气一烘,对着叠了尺把厚的熟书,安得不眉沉眼重,万分支持不住,硬想伏在书案上,睡一个饱?可是那顶讨厌,顶讨厌,专门打人的老师,他却一点不感疲倦.,撑起一副极难看的黄铜边近视眼镜 ,半蹲半坐在一张绝大绝笨重的旧书案前,拿着一条尺把长的木界方,不住的在案头上敲;敲出一片比野猫叫还骇人的响声,骇得你们硬不敢睡.
Ripples across stagnant waterOne of the Earliest Vernacular long Stories of Modern Chinese Literature.
The prelude to the first part :That scene still remained vividly in my mind even after four decades.It was at dawn that the bell of Linguan Temple next door had just begun to ring。 Was It a good time for me to have a refreshing morning's sleep, ? Why did I have to get up quite early and hurry up, off to school!" in the morning? Otherwise, my family members would give a loud snort. I couldn’t even wash my face before I had to trot to school – which then we called “ the school, “and now called “ the private school.” - -- to get top scores in the imperial exams , otherwise, I would feel uncomfortable and couldn’t get the teacher's praise either. If a primary student who had got enough sleep would read the new texts loudly at the top of his voice like a tit for the whole morning, perhaps that was what would happen every morning for 10 days ,if not it would happen at least like this every morning for 8 days .Because I couldn’t recite the excessive text assignments , the teacher beat my head with a bamboo ruler. Then I felt too pain when he pinched my eyelids . We went home after the early classes were over. Eating breakfast and then going back to school, I wanted my stomach to rest .Even more I was bathed in warm sunlight spring and facing a foot thick stack of the books which I had studied, How could you resist the temptation of sleep without closing your eyesI? I was so tired that I couldn’t hold out any longer .How would I like to have an enough sleep with my head bent over my desk.? ?The most horrible teacher who specially liked beating students was not feeling tired at all .Wearing a very ugly brass framed myopic glasses and sitting on his heels before a big heavy writing desk, he constantly flapped the desk with a foot-long bamboo ruler. Its flapping sound which was also terrifying than the wildcats ’mew, you were almost scared out of your sleep.
These things that occurred almost everyday when at the time there definitely appeared to be two -handled wheelbarrows passing by fully loaded with rapeseed oil, rice or pigs to the slaughterhouses ---- we could have called it a cock wheelbarrow .Or it should be written as a “mechanic wheelbarrow” .But it was far too gentle. ----or the peasants pushed the wheelbarrows down into the city’s streets from the countryside all around, their heavy wheels ran over the red gravel stone road .The front wheel bearings when they were squeezed would make a very harmonious, and pleasant sound “yi-yi-ya-ya!” .
Although Yi-ya-yi-ya sounded just like a monotonous shouting, yet at this moment it turned into a very strong lullaby ! The teacher’s odious face seemed to leave my eyes, further and further away , far into the shadow of a human figure at dusk ; The flapping sound of his bamboo ruler would have left the ears, gradually becoming smaller fine, down to the mosquito sound like it in early summer, but it also had to be deduced to the unheard and the invisible realm. If I wasn’t pushed awake by my classmate whose age was older than me sitting beside me 。The teacher would come: and tap his bamboo ruler against the desk to wake me up .
Although I only took a short snooze , after all, I enjoyed myself to the full. And then with both wide-open eyes, I could read those familiar texts faster and louder. Though I shouted about "Heavy Earth Element Yellow ", "Cu Chen Four Character” " frankly speaking, instead I saw ” the Thousand Character Classic (Qian zi wen), ” and” Dragon Textbook (Longwen bianying) ”, what I clearly saw was a vast stretch of golden rape flowers, lush green wheat seedlings, as well as a meandering brook flowing around the walls of graveyard in which were quite a number of Tile-roofed Houses surrounded by dense trees.
So far it was Still difficult to explain, why the graveyard about 20 li from the town , was such a strong temptation to a boy like me growing- up in urban Chengdu! In casting back to those years, it was constantly in my thoughts like yearning between lovers ,especially when spring came.
Studying in a private school class, according to the rules, from early morning to begin to sound the day watches (around 2 o’clock p.m.) ,we were not allowed to rest .With the exception of two meals (breakfast and lunch) , our classes had to be over , and things such as the toilet could not banned; all year-round, it made no difference whether we had holidays or not , in addition to holding a three-day holidays for the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, , we took the Chinese New Year holiday of half- month per year. . When those special events such as " birthday congratulation, weddings, funeral arrangements.happened at home... , we had to delay for some time. If you wanted to rest, so you had to pretend sickness. In case you really did so, wasn’t it a bitter job for you? No, at least when you were required to memorize the whole textbook though you were not able to do it, . But illness was not really easy thing for anyone You just prayed it to graciously patronize you. and it was not willing to. Thus you had to pretend sickness such as headache and stomachache . True this would enable you to avoid hard studying temporarily. However you had to assume a pitiable look, lying in bed .Sometimes you had to taste some unpalatable bitter herbal soups. This was still far from ideal. I thought the Qing Ming Festival was best for me . Every year this time, we not only had three days without reading , but also went on our countryside trip to the graveyard where we would spend two nights . This was really a good day much happier than the Chinese Lunar New Year which was just to wear new clothes, eat something Delicious ,play and make noise in a wanton way. But we still couldn’t tell you exactly to what extent how happy we were!
I would remember sitting with my mother in a duck canopy sedan chair rented from the shop specifically for rural areas, lifted only by two-persons .Just out of the gate of the high and thick city walls, although we would walk through several streets which were the same as in the town ,the shop fronts on both sides of the street that we could see would become lower, smaller ,and more and more simple and crude, then sparsely scattered until stretch s of land ,dusty roads, and villages surrounded by dense trees clustered in the middle of fields were revealed. However what I breathed with my nose was very different outdoor rural atmosphere than the air in the town ,which made a boy like me, had a fascination for the life of rural areas, who was only several times a year out of the city ,.into an ultimate trance.
啊!天那么大!地那么宽,平!油菜花那么黄,香!小麦那么青!清澈见底的沟水,那么流!流得漍 漍 的响,并且那么多的竹树!辽远的天边,横抹着一片山影,真有趣!
Ah! So Vast as the Sky appeared in front of me .What a large endless plain! Just awestruck by a vast stretch of golden rape flowers as well as the sweet fragrance.!Such a brilliant emerald green of young wheat !.The bottom visible limpid water went gurgling on.in the ditches of paddy fields And there were so many bamboo trees! The distant blue mountains casted their blurred shadows on the horizon. It was really interesting .
《死水微瀾》名列 世紀百強 第 17。作者李劼人(1891~1962),中國小說家,翻譯家。原名李家祥。四川成都人。中學時代大量閱讀中外文學名著,擅長講述故事。1912年開始寫作,1915年以後,任《四川群報》主筆和《川報》社長兼總編輯,寫了大量時評、雜文和近百篇文言、白話小說,內容多為暴露社會生活的陰暗面。1919年6月,參與發起少年中國學會成都分會,年底去法國勤工儉學,並學習和研究法國文學。1925~1933年先後在成都大學、四川大學任教,翻譯、改譯法國文學作品,創作了《編輯室的風波》等10餘篇短篇小說。1935年起筆、1937年完成的各自成篇又互為連續的長篇歷史小說《死水微瀾》、《暴風雨前》和《大波》,是他的代表作。3部作品比較完整地反映了從甲午戰爭到辛亥革命十幾年間四川的社會風貌和歷史變革,具有濃郁的時代氣氛和地方色彩。廣博的社會知識和風土人情的描繪,使作品體現了鮮明的中國氣派和獨特的藝術風格。1921~1949年,他還翻譯法國文學作品20餘種,主要有莫泊桑的《人心》,都德的《小東西》,福樓拜的《馬丹波娃利》、《薩朗波》,法萊士的《文明人》,羅曼8226;羅蘭的《彼得與露西》等。四川人民出版社出版了《李劼人選集》1~5卷。注:1。我硬译了“天地元黄”(Heavy Earth Element Yellow)肯定有硬伤。应该在英译的古籍上能找到,无时间细查,请愿谅。“三2.同样在应该在英译的古籍上能找到“粗陈四字”,无时间细查,请愿谅。我也是硬译为“Cu Chen Four Character” 肯定有硬伤。粗陈应该是“state one’s views briefly”.