Memories of County Sligo reflected in works

DRUMCLIFF,IRELAND----William Bulter Yeats called County Sligo ”The Land of Heart’s Desire.” The place names are threaded through his poetry, transporting the reader to his land of myth and magic, beauty and legend.
德拉蒙克利夫,爱尔兰---被-威廉.巴尔特.叶芝称为“胸中贮满愿望的土地的斯莱戈郡。” 地名是通过他的诗作而串联在一起的,他的诗把读者带到他的这片充满神话与神奇,美丽而传奇土地.
But a better way to fully experience the Nobel Prize-winning bard is to travel the roads he walked, and to help visitors, the local Yeats Society and the Irish Tourist Board have developed the Yeats Trail.
Most visitors began a Yeats pilgrimage in Sligo town, at the Yeats Memorial Building, where a 15 minute video gives a brief outline of his life. Up the roads is an impressionist bronze statue of the writer. Picturing him with extremely long legs and short arms.
The Maud Gone Café nearby recalls his lifelong(and platonic) friendship with the poet and fellow revolutionary Maud Gonne.
Outside of town, however, the words on the page and the places intermingle. A sample:
In Drumcliff,15 kilometres north of Sligo, a simple headstone bears the words ”Cast a cold Eye/On Life, On Death/Horseman, passby.” In the background is the flat top of Ben Bulben mountain, recalling Yeats’ lines from his own epitaph: Under bare Ben Bullben head/In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid.”

在德拉蒙克利夫 ,斯莱戈以北15公里,有一块简单的墓石上刻有一段文字“朝着生命/死亡/路过的骑士,投下了冰冷的目光。”背景是本.布尔本山峦的平坦的顶部,回想起了来自叶芝墓志铭的几句话: “在光秃秃的本.布尔本头像之下/在德拉蒙克利夫教堂墓地安葬着叶芝.
Glencar(or Glen Car) lake and waterfall is one of the most scenic places in County Sligo. Yeats, as a child, used to picnic here(“Where the wandering water gushes/From the hills above Glen Car,”) on summer holidays from his home in Dublin. In the poem “The Stolen Child,” he expressed the mysticism of the place: Come away O human child/To the waters and the wild/With a faery, hand in hand,/For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.”
格伦卡(或格伦.卡)湖泊和瀑布是斯莱戈郡最优美的地方.当叶芝还是一个孩子时,暑假常常从他在都柏林家中来这里野餐( “漫游的河水从那儿涌来/从格伦.卡之上的山岭涌来” )在“【被盗的儿童】,一诗中 ”他表示这个神秘的地方: “走吧,啊人类的孩子/去河流,去荒野/带上一个仙女, 手牵手 携手共进/ /尽管世界上充满了更多比你所能理解的哭泣。
On those vacations,he also visited the family that owned the huge Hazelwood estate on the shores of Lough Gill, east of Sligo. He later wrote about how “I went out to the Hazel Wood/For a fire was in my head.”
在度假中,叶芝他还访问了位于斯莱戈以东吉尔湖湖岸的拥有巨大房地产的黑兹尔伍德家庭。他后来写道如何, “我出去到黑兹尔伍德/因为有一团激情的火在我的脑海中燃烧。 ”
In the same area is Innisfree, a tiny island near the eastern end of Lough Gill. Stand on the shore and look out toward the island and Yeats’s lines reverberate:”I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree/And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made.” Water buses from Parke’s Castle take visitors to the uninhabited isle.
坐落在吉尔湖东端附近的一个叫英尼斯弗雷小岛也在这同一地区。站在岸上,眺望小岛,耳边就回荡起叶芝的诗句:” 我会出现现在就去,去英尼斯弗雷./
用粘土和篱笆条,在那儿建造一座小屋.” “水上巴士把游客从帕克城堡带到无人居住小岛观光.

Yeats spent much of his childhood with his grand-uncle in Ballysadare village, at the head on an inlet off Sligo Bay and known by some locally as ”Sally.” He probably did some courting there, inspiring the ”Sally Gardens” poem, with the lines:”Down by the sally gardens my love and I did meet/She passed the sally gardens with little snow-white feet.” Yeats said he gathered folk tales from one Paddy Flynn of Ballysadare, ”Which is, he was wont to say,’the most gentle’---whereby he meant faery---‘place in the whole of County Sligo.’”
叶芝大部分童年是与他的大伯父在位于斯莱戈海湾外入口处顶端,而被一些当地人称为”萨利”的鲍里萨达里村庄度过的。他也许在那里向某人求过爱,写下激动人心的“【莎莉花园】”一诗,一段诗句是这样的: “我的恋人从莎莉花园走下来,而我确与她相逢/她小小的像雪一样白的双脚迈着轻盈脚步经过莎莉花园.”叶芝惯于说他从巴利萨戴尔的一个叫帕狄弗林的小老人那里搜集的民间故事是最和蔼可 亲,据此他意味着的仙境-----就是整个斯莱戈郡的地方。 ”
Dooney’s Rock at the southwestern end of Lough Gill, inspire Yeats poem ”The Fiddler of Dooney,”(“When I play on my fiddle in Dooney/Folk dance like a wave on the sea.”) The poem gave its name to an annual traditional music festival in Sligo.
是吉尔湖西南端的多利岩石激发叶芝写下了”多利的小提琴手”一诗 (当我在多利演奏小提琴时 /民间舞蹈好似大海铺天盖地白浪涌来。 “ )这首诗后来成了每年举办的斯莱戈传统音乐节的名字。
“He stood among a crowd at Dromhair;/His heart hung all upon a silken fress.” These lines are the only excuse you need for visiting the attractive village of Dromahair(Yeats dropped one letter),just over the country line in Leitrim. Dromahair was laid out in the 18th century after the style of an English village, around the ruin of a medieval castle.

“在德朗赫尔他站在众人之中/他的心儿挂在一件柔软光滑的礼服上. ”这首诗就成为您应该访问很吸引人的德朗赫尔村的唯一的理由(叶芝漏了一个字母a) ,位于刚刚越过郡的分界线处的莱特里门的德朗赫尔村是按照英国村庄的风格建于18世纪,环绕着一个中世纪城堡的废墟.
In the village of Gort, in county Galway(south of Sligo) visitors find Thor Ballylee(Gaelic for Ballylee tower), where Yeats lived, on and off, from 1916 until 1928 and where he wrote much of the work that won him the Nobel Prize in 1923. Inscribed on a stone there are Yeats’ lines:”I the poet William Yeats/With old mill boards and see green slates,/And smithy work from the Gort forge/Restored this tower for my wife George.” Thoor Bally is now a Yeats museum.
在哥尔韦郡的戈特村中(斯莱戈南面)游客寻找到索尔巴里李(盖尔语的意思是巴里李塔楼) ,从1916年到1928年叶芝断断续续地住在这里,写下了许多为他1923年赢得诺贝尔奖的作品,一块石碑上刻下叶芝的这样几行字句: “我是诗人威廉.叶芝/用古老的书皮纸与海绿色石板 /同时取自戈特村铁匠铺的铁件/为我的妻子-乔治重建了这座塔楼。 ” 瑟尔. 巴里李塔楼现在已成为一座叶芝博物馆。