傅抱石的名字,近年早为爱好国画, 爱好美术的人所知道了的.
我的书房里挂着他的一幅<<桐阴读画>>,是去年十月十七日,我到金刚坡下他的寓所中去访问的时候,他送给我的.七株大梧桐树参差的挺在一幅长条中,前面一条小溪,溪中有桥,桥上有一扶杖者,向桐阴中的人家走去. 家中轩豁,有四人正展观画图.其上仿佛书斋,有童子一人抱画而入.屋后山势壮拔,有瀑布下流.桐树之间,补以绿竹.
In the recent years , Fu Baoshi’s name has long been known to the Chinese painting and art –loving people ..
His painting titled “Reading the painting under the shade of parasol trees” hung at my study. It had been presented to me by him when I went to his residence which was situated at the foot of the Jingang slope for a visit in October 17 last year. Painted in a long vertically-hung scroll are 7 large Chinese parasol trees unevenly standing, in front of which is a brook. crossed by a bridge on which is an old man who is walking with his cane towards a family house shaded by parasol trees . Four people are watching the painting. Look above find out it seems to be their study. Holding a painting, one boy gets inside. Behind the house are the lofty rocky mountains from which a cataract is running down, .Between the parasol trees mingle with green bamboos.
Although to find little open space in the painting, Looking out at the vast expanse of space the painting has to cover, one could feel its great momentum..

Whoever came to see me saw this painting ,they would all like to say it was very good. I believed what they said was not flattering words to me. But other friends, even though at Art on the cultivation, more than I can appreciate the works of Fu Baoshi, and I can enjoy the appealingness from outside of the painting than any person .
October 17,1943. was a most honorable day since our entering the Sichuan province. It was the day when we had the honour of the Mr.Moruo’s presence at our cottage, situated at the foot of the Jingang slope.
Baoshi added a few lines of words in the painting as a memento-- This really give me "the greatest glory”
I kept my diary for this day as follows:
十时顷应抱石之约,往访之,中途遇杜老,邀与同往. 抱石寓金刚坡下,乃一农家古屋,四围竹丛稠密,颇饶幽趣.展示所作画多幅,意思渐就豁然.◦更蒙赠<<竹阴读画>>一帧,美意可感◦
Sunday ,October 17
In the morning there was a light rain. After a while it stopped. It became overcast all day long. I was in a depressed mood due to lack of sleep. About 10 o’clock We went to visit Baoshi at his invitation, and were halfway to meet Old Du and invited him to join us . Baoshi’s cottage which lies at the foot of the Jingang slope.is an ancient farmer house surrounded by a dense bamboo thicket..This really gave a sense of the highly quite delightful serenity of seclusion. He showed us a number of his paintings ,of which we gradually understood their meaning. Later I was extremely honored to be given a painting titled<

夫人时惠女士享以丰盛之午餐◦食时谈及北伐时在南昌城故事◦ 时惠女士时在中学肆业,曾经常听余演讲云◦
His wife, Mrs.Shihui treated us to a sumptuous lunch in a hospitality .Over lunch We chatted with them about our past events that occurred in Nanchang City during the Northern Expedition. Then Madam.Shihui studied in middle school, she said she had often heard my speech.
My wife, Liqun and our children were also invited to the big brother’s. Until 3:00 in the afternoon before we happily said farewell to Baoshi family.…..
My diary was written too simple, but that scene still remains etched in my mind almost as vividly as it is true.
我自抗战还国以后,在武汉时代特别邀了抱石来参加政治部工作,得到他不少的帮助. 武汉撤守后,由长沙而衡阳,而桂林,而重庆, 抱石一直都是为抗战工作孜孜不息的.回重庆以后, 政治部分驻城乡两地,乡部在金刚坡下,因而抱石的寓所也就定在了那儿.后来抱石回到教育界去了,但他依然舍不得金刚坡下的环境,没有迁徙.据我所知,他在中大或艺专任课,来往差不多都是步行的.
When the War of Resistance against Japan broke out I returned to my country In wartime Wuhan I particularly invited Baoshi to take part in the work of the General Political Department,and He was very helpful to us.After we retreated from Wuhan to Zhangsha and Hengyang, then to Guilin, at last we moved to Chongqing. Baoshi has been working diligently for the Anti-Japanese War ever since. After we were back to Chongqing, the Political Department was generally divided into two- parts---- rural and urban. areas .The former was situated at the foot of the Jingang Slope,thus Baoshi’s home was set up there. He later returned to the education sector as a teacher. But he was still reluctant to leave the environment of the Jingang slope.He didn’t move out. When he taught at the Central University or Fine Art College, as far as I knew,he walked almost all the way from home to school .

I’m the type of people, like a migratory bird ,who always liked to frequently travel between urban areas and rural areas. Probably I stayed longer in the countryside when in the summer and I spent most of my time in the city when in the foggy season. Although I had frequent contacts with Baoshi in the countryside, I had not been to his home for a visit. It was not until the last October 17 that I began my only first visit.